In late 1600 Sir Walter Raleigh was writing to Sir Robert Cecil regarding the imprisonment of Robert Devereux, Second Earl of Essex once a great favourite of Elizabeth I but by then in The Tower charged with Treason. In the course of this letter Sir Walter wrote "Kelloway lives that murdered the brother of Horsey; and Horsey let him go by all his lifetime." Of whom was Raleigh speaking? Which Kelloway? Which Horsey? The families are linked by marriages and friendships but no answer has been found to the identities of Kelloway and Horsey. Read More Here |
John DRAKE b.~1360 m.Christian Billet d.1388 | | John DRAKE b.1388 m.Christian Antage d.1419 | John DRAKE b.~1418 m.Alice Jane Crwys d.1449 | | John DRAKE of Otterton b.~1448 m.Agnes KELLAWAY (sister of John Of Collumpton) d.1533 | | | John Drake of Exmouth___Richard_________Robert__________Thomas__________Agnes b.1480 1482 b.1484 b.1486 b.1488 m.Margaret Cole m.Ellen m.William Pole d.1554 Hilling | | William Pole | | John DRAKE of Ashe______________Gilbert_________________________Edmund_________John ___________Joanne Drake b.~1500 b.1504 b.1510 b. b.1499-10.06.1530 m.Amy Granville 1535 d.1580 m.Mary m.Margaret m.Walter RALEIGH d.04.10.1558 m.1)? | Mylwaye | Auert | m.2) Katherine | | | Sherman | Juliana | | | | | Sir Bernard Drake__________Richard_______Robert SIR FRANCIS DRAKE__________Edward__John__Thomas__Joseph m.Gertrude de Fortescue b~1535 m.Elizabeth b.1544 Tavistock d.1585 m.Ursula Prideaux m.Mary Newman 04.07.1569 | Stafford | m.Elizabeth Sydenham 1585 | d.1603 | d.1596 d.s.p. | | John DRAKE Francis m.Dorothy Button Lines Continue
JOANNE DRAKE = WALTER RALEIGH = (2)KATHERINER CHAMPERNOWNE = (1) OTTO GILBERT b.1499 b.~1490 b.~1520 b.~1510 d.10.06.1530 | | | | SIR WALTER RALEIGH______________CAREW RALEIGH SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT_____ John______Adrian b.1552 b~1550 b.1539 m.Elizabeth Throckmorton m.Dorothy Thynne (Widow) m.Ann Aucher m.1591 d.1625 d.1583 Mid Atlantic d.1618 | | | | | 3 sons 6 sons 1 dau
SIR WILLIAM II KELLAWAY________________Dorothy Kellaway 1495-1569 m.2) Black Will Lyte m.Ann Hallways (The Lyte family was related to Horsey & Thynne families) | | Francis d.1601______Mary Kellaway_____+3 d______Ann Kellaway Otho Gilbert = Katherine = Walter Raleigh John m.William Button m.John AUCHER (1) Champernowne (2) Edward | | | | Ambrose | | | | Charles d.1605 Dorothy Button ANN AUCHER = SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT SIR WALTER RALEIGH______________Carew Raleigh m.John Drake 1539-1583 1552-1618 m.Dorothy | m.Elizabeth Throckmorton Thynne (W) | m.1591 | | 6 sons 1 dau 3 sons
JASPER HORSEY = JOAN WELLYFORD m.~1520 d.1545 d.1558 Left Asshe in Devon to Thomas Stowford | | | George HORSEY___________Thomas d.1573___________Sir Edward Horsey____Katherine d.1587 Gervase Captain IOW m.1)Mary Perient Philip d.1582 m.2)Ann Sadler John | Francis | William | Christopher | Jasper | | | SIR RALPH HORSEY _______Jasper Horsey ________ 3da of Clifton Maybank d.1624 m.Edith Mohun d.1612 | 5s + 3daSir Ralph Horsey was a close friend of Sir Walter Raleigh who was then living at Sherborne Castle.
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©Lesley Haigh 2016