Fulke FitzWaryn___________________Hawisa_____________Mabel
					d.1336				  ~1270
					m.Eleanore de Beauchamp		m.Ralph de Goushill
		Fulke _____________________________William______________________________________Ives
		b.1305-1349			b.~1310-1361
		m.Joan de Beaumont		m.Amice de Haddon(d.1361)
		|					|
		|					|
		Fulke				Sir Ivo_____________________Margaret____________________Phillippe
		b.1341-1374 			13.11.1347-1414						A Nun
		m.Margery d′Audley		m.Maud Argentine 1372
		|						|
		|						|
		Fulke FitzWaryn				Eleanor FitzWaryn_______________________________Alice FitzWaryn
		b.1362-1391				b.1375-1433					d.1411 
	m.1)Elizabeth Cogan				m.1)John Chidiock Lord Fitzpayne d.1415		m.Richard Whittington ie “Dick Whittington”
		m.2)Sir Hugh Courtenay			m.2)Ralph Bushe d.bef 1441				(Lord Mayor of London d.1423 s.p.)
		|						|
		|						|
	Agnes ____________Fulke FitzWaryn		Elizabeth Chidiock ______________John Chidiock
    	b.~1387		  b.1389-1407			m.Walter FitzWalter		b.~1400-06.03.1449/50
	m.John Cole	m.Ann Botreux						m.Katherine Lumley(d.02.06.1461)
 	(1383-1450)	   |	 m.Sir William de Clinton 1409				|
   	|		   |								|
	|		   |								|
	John Cole  	Fulke _________Elizabeth Fitzwaryn		Katherine Chidiock ______________Margaret Chidiock
	|		1406-1420	  1403-1427			b.~1420-1478			   m.1)William Stourton
					m.Richard		m.1)William Stafford  m.2)John Arundell		| m.2)John Cheyne
					Hankeforde	       	contract 11.03.1436/7		|		|
					|				|			|		See Part 3
					|				|			|
			Thomasine FitzWaryn		Sir Humphrey Stafford	Thomas Arundell ______Margaret Arundell___ Elizabeth____3dau
			b.~1420					|		m.Katherine Dynham     m.William Capel      m.Giles Daubenay
			m.1)William Bouchier			Issue			|			|
			Lord FitzWaryn (b.1412)						|			|
			m.2)Katherine de Affeton				SEE Part 2		Elizabeth Capel
			(dau of John and Joan) |   							m.William Paulet


					Sir John Arundell 
				m.1) Elizabeth Morley
				|	m.2) Katherine Chidiock	(m.1)William Stafford m.3)Roger Lewkener)
				|	~1420-1478
			        Ann		|
	Thomas Arundell ________Elizabeth_______________Katherine__________________Margaret____________Ellen________________Thomasine
	m.Katherine Dynham	m.Giles Daubenay	m.1)Walter Courtenay 	   m.William Capel     m.Ralph Coppleston    m.Henry Marney
	|						m.2)John Moyle			|
	|										|
	John Arudell ______________Elizabeth						Elizabeth Capel
	m.1)Eleanor Grey   		m.Edward Stradley				m.William Paulett
      	|	m.2)Jane Grenville
      	|			|
      	|			|_______________________________________________________
      	|										|
	|										|
Elizabeth _______________John ____Thomas			Jane ___________Mary _________________Eleanor
m.Richard Edgcombe		m.Margaret Howard			      m.1)Robert Radcliffe
						|			      m.2) Henry FitzAlan
					Matthew Arundell
					m.Margaret Willoughby
					Thomas Arundell
					m.1)Mary Wriothesley
						m.2)Ann Philipson


					Margaret Chidiock m.1)William Stourton 	m.2)John Cheyne
	Margaret _____________Amy/Anne _________John Stourton_______Catherine ____________________William Stourton______Edward Stourton__________Alice
	m.1)James Chudleigh   m.Henry Rogers	1454-1484	    m.1)William Berkeley	  m.1)Thomasine 	m.AgnesFauntleroy
  	m.2)Oliver Wise		|		m.Catherine Berkeley     m.2)Henry Grey		   Wrottesley			|
				|				|	    m.3)William de la Pole  m.2)Catherine de la Pole	|
				|				|			|					|
				|				|								|
			Thomas Rogers         	   Ann_____Francis			William_____Roger_____Christopher______Peter_____Mary

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©Lesley Haigh 2008

FitzWaryn Family Tree
Last updated September 2016
Web Page by Les Haigh. Email: (les.haigh at

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