Ralph de Kaul
					Roger de Kaul
					b.~1193(Hatherleigh) d.1272  
				b.~1220         ?           b.~1220(Broadwoodkelly)

					Philip Kayle						Sir Henry de Kaul 		
					   b.~1260						b.~1250
						|						|
						|						|
						|						|
					William Kayle 						Roger de Kaul
					   b.~1290						b.~1280
						|						|
						|						|
					Ralph Kayle 				        	XX
					   b.~1320						|
					m.Maud Stonner						|
					Euthy heir						|
						|						|
						|						|
	Margery/Margaret Kayle ______________________________Ralph	     		Richard_________________________________William	
	b.~1350						m.Alice Roger			b.~1350	  	 			b.~1365
	m.John Luccombe						|				 			     	|
	|							|					     			|
	|							|					     			|
	John Luccombe _________William Ilcombe		    Robert Kayle __________Joane Kayle	           			Robert
	m.Joan Grant		b.~1375			    ~1380-1447      	   m.John Symons               			b.~1390
	|			m.Philippa Kelloways	    m.Margaret Archdeacon	|			   		|
	|				|		      m.2)Mary			|			   		|
	|			Thomasine = Robert Pyne		|			|		 	   		|
	|			See 1564 Visitation		|			|			   		|
	|							|			|			   		|
	|							|			|			   		|
	Alice _________Margaret ______Elizabeth 	William Kayle	   	   Isabell Symons     				Robert Kayle	
	Luccombe	Luccombe      Luccombe		~1420-1490	   	   m.William		   			b.~1410
	m.William       m.Walter      m.John Devioke	m.Philipe          	   Ilcombe					|
	Resmoderes       Moyle Kt		|	Trenoweth 1463			|					|
	b.~1400		  |			|	(m.John Carmynowe)		|					|
			  |			|		d.s.p			|					|
		Sir John Moyle		John Devioke				   Henry Ilcombe ______John Luccombe       	Ralph Kayle
		  b.~1430		b.~1420								Isabella		b.~1436
		d.16.12.1501		m.Isabel										|
	m.1)Ann d'Arcy			|	m.2)Joan Kellaway								|
	m.26.02.1481			|		 (see next tree)							|
	 |   m.2) Catherine Arundel	|			|								|
	 |				|			|								|
	Sir Thomas Moyle	Jane Devioke 			Edmund Devioke 							Margery Kayle
	b.~1481-1560		b.~1442				b.~1460								b.~1460
				m.Edmund Courtenay 		m.Margaret Asshe
				coheir & Euthy heir		d.1504

See Cornwall Visitations p113 Courtenay of Penkivil (near Truro) which are not accurate when placed alongside court records of the time

Robert Kayle and Joane possible siblings Bennett, Margery, Isabel all died no heirs

For Joan Kellaway see Luccombe Devioke Tree (below)


								Phillip Luccombe
								m.Agatha ?Newton
								Geoffrey Luccombe
		?						     b.~1330								?
		|							|								|
	John Luccombe						Alice Luccombe							John Devioke 
	b.~1350							     b.~1360							b.~1350
	m. Margaret Kayle					m.John Copleston						m.Margaret Longeland	
	|								|				?				|
	|												|				|
	William Ilcombe ___________________John Luccombe 					   XXX	Devioke			Margaret Devioke
	b.~1375					b.~1375							|			m.John Stapleton
	m.Phillippa Kellaways 			m.Joan Grant						|
	|						|						|
	|						|						|
   Thomasine 		   Alice Luccombe ___Margaret Luccombe ___Elizabeth Luccombe = William Devioke __John Devioke ___ Margaret Devioke
   m.Robert Pyne	   m.William		m.Walter		b.~1400			|	 The Elder       m.John Trecarell
	|		   Resmoderes		Moyle Kt					|
						|						|
					   Sir John Moyle		   John Devioke the younger		Thomas Kellaway = Joan Bingham
										m.1)Isabell				|
								__________________|	m.2)Joan Kayleway m.1) = John Kayleway 
								|			|			|      b.~1412
								|			|			|
								|			|			|
							Jane Devioke		Edmund Devioke		Joan the Elder____John_____William____Robert
							b.~1442 coheir		m.Margaret Asshe	Elizabeth	  b.~1445  b.~1447    b.~1449
							m.Edmund Courtenay	d.1504	|		Katherine	   died		|
								|			|		Ann				|
			William Courtenay___________Richard Courtenay		Jane Devioke		Amy			Sir John Kellaway
								|		m.John Cary		Joan the younger		|
								|					Margaret			|
							Leonard Courtenay					 	     Sir William 2 Kellaway

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©Lesley Haigh 2008

Kayle Luccombe Devioke Trees
Last updated October 2014
Web Page by Les Haigh. Email: (les.haigh at btinternet.com)

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