Descendants of Mathew CALLAWAY

Surname List

<----> , Ball , Band , Beer , Bennett , Bickle , Blake , Bloye , Bosley , Bray , Brighting , Brook , Buckley , CAHILL , Callaway , Clarke , Colling , Couch , Doidge , Dunn , Evans , Fitzgerald , Frankland , Fuge , Gill , Glubb , Grills , Hall , Hamley , Hamments , Harris , Hawton , Hooper , Karton , Kellaway , Lamerton , Lang , Ley , Luxmoore , Martyn , Milford , Morris , Payne , Peckard , Richards , Riddalls , Rowe , Saunders , Summers , Tancock , Tibbs , Treloar , Waldron , Warne , Williams

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The Kellaway Descent
Last updated May 2010
Web Page by Les Haigh. Email: (les.haigh at