References: Amos Kellaway Story

1) Dorset Parish Registers. Dorset History Centre. Many Parish Transcriptions available Dorset OPC website.

2)Dorset Parish Census Images 1841-1891. National Archives, Kew, London.

3)Removal order by Churchwardens and Overseeers of the Poor, cerne Abbas to East Lulworth. Dorset History Centre.

4)Appeal by East Lulworth Churchwardens and Overseeers of the Poor against the removal order. Dorset History Centre.

5)The Diary of a Shoemaker of East Lulworth. He recorded both local and National events of the time. Dorset History Centre.

6)Removal order by Churchwardens and Overseeers of the Poor, Cerne Abbas to Godmanstone. Dorset History Centre.

7)Solicitors Bill for East Lulworth Appeal. Dorset History Centre.

8)HMS Sharpshooter Muster List. National Archives, Kew London.

9)On-line Pitcairn Island records

10)Marriage Certificate. GRO London

11)HMS Plyades Muster List. National Archives, Kew London.

12)Birth Certificate. GRO London

13)HMS Iris Description Book and Muster Book. National Archives, Kew London.

14)HMS Iris Log Book. National Archives, Kew London.

15)Victoria Police Gazette. PRO Victoria.

16)Passenger List PRO Victoria.

17)Birth Certificate Victoria State Records

18)On-line Birth Marriage and Death Indexes Victoria

19)Death Certificate Victoria State Records

20)Marriage Certificate Victoria State Records

21)PRO Victoria

I would like to thank Jo Foster for the details from many documents used to construct this story.

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©Lesley Haigh 2012

Amos Kellaway
Last updated January 2012
Web Page by Les Haigh. Email: (les.haigh at

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