Osbern de Cailly b.~1020 Cailly, Rouan, France. Seigneur de Cailly
							m.Hildeburge de Beaudemont
							Wereene Tenant in 1084 Suffolk
							Guillame de Cailly____________________Hugh de Cailly_____________Roger de Cailly
							b.~1045								Seigneur de Cailly
							m.Maud de Beaumont						m.Petronella de Vere
							|									|
							|									|
	Osbern _________Roger __________________William ________________Humphrey 						Osbern II
	de Cailly     de Cailly        		de Cailly		de Cailly							|
					   	b.~1070		      	b.~1080 See Norfolk lines					|
						|											|
						|											|
					  	|											|
						|											|
						|											|
					      Philip_______________?___________?__________Ralph					  ? de Cailly
			Hawisa	     =	 de Chailleway 	   				de Caillewai				   ~1100
		       De Beaumont     	     1100-1149				  		|					|
		b.~1125-24 Apr 1197		|						|					|
		m.2)William FitzRobert		|						|					|
						|						|					|
						|						|					|
		Philip 2_________Avicia_________Nicholas	  			Ralph  de Cailleway			Osbern III de Cailly
		1145 la Mare?	|						b.~1140				m.Hildeburg de Préaux
	   					|						|				d.1194		|
	   					|						|						|
	Philip 3________________Hugh___________ Elias 1					Ralph de Kaul_____________Humphrey de Kaille		3 daughters
	1170			1170		b.~1170 	       		 	see Cornish Kayles		1170
	|			|		m.Bertha Giffard 1190 age 20						|
	|			|			|								|
	|			|			|								|
	Philip___William  William__Thomas	   Matilda________William___John___Nicholas___Ralph_____Elias 2    	Humphrey de Kaul/Kaill
	~1200	 1200	    	    1200	  b.1200	  b.1200    m.Alice			b.1200	 	~1200	
	d.1242	 d.1248	  	    m.Alice	 m.Richard    	   |	     	    			m.Hawisa	See Humphrey lines
	No heirs   |	    		|	 Butler de Acton   |					|
          	   |           		|	    _______________|		      			|
		   |	    	    	|	    |							|
		Thomas	    John ____Philip       Thomas 	John 1___________Roger de S____Richard_______Elias 3_________Jordan________Adam le W
 		No heirs   ~1230     No heirs	  ~1230		~1228-1308 Will	  	    					|	  m.Christina
			   m.Hawisa      	m.Cassandra  	m.1)Edith   2)Cecily le Bret					|	  Watte als White
			   |			|	 	|       		|_________________			|		|
			   ?		 	|   		|					  |			|		|
			   |			|		|					  |			|		|
       	     	Joan Stouford	    XXX ___Philip    John _____William__Richard____Matilda		John ________Robert	Elena	    William
     		m.John Walrond  	    ~1250    The Elder  ~1257   ~1260     m.John   	  The Younger       de S	m.?	    le Weston
		m.~1280				|    ~1255	d.1278  m.Joan	   Gardino  	  ~1265-1336			|	    m.Alice
						|			  |			   m.Ismania			|		|
      						|			  |			(Lost Mautravers)		John		|	
     			See Stafford/Kellaways Dolton			  |				|					?
									Elias 4				|					|
	    	      			  				b.~1290				|					|
													|					|
													|					|
								William_________________Edmund_____John____?___Thomas____?_Walter	John le Weston
								b.~1295-1375     	b.1298	  b.~1300				b.~1298
								m.Alice									d.1348
								|									|
								|									|
				Edmund_________Roger________Margery______?__Eleanor						Hugh le Weston
				1340-1411		m.Courtenay?	   m.1)Ralph de Horsey					b.~1325
				m.Joan						m.2)John Fitzpayne				|
				|					  	|						|	
				|					 	|						|
   				|						|						|
		Thomas Cayllewaye_______John _________Sister		Ellis FitzPayne					Hugh le Weston
   		     1375-1420	        1380	  m.Thomas Cheyne	m.Margery Lyte					m.Amici m.2)John Gregory
		m.Joan Bingham 1412	|										|
			|		|										|
			|	The Sherborne Line								Richard le Weston
			|												m.Joan
		The Rockbourne Line											|
															Weston Family
Le W = le Weston ie Adam	de S = de Stapelbridge ie John 1, Roger, Robert and Jordan. Also sometimes called de Nyewenham ie. Adam, Robert

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©Lesley Haigh 2008

The Medieval Callaway Tree
Last updated September 2014
Web Page by Les Haigh. Email: (les.haigh at

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