It seems generally accepted that Osbern de Cailly was the illigimate son of Gilbert de Brionne.

When Edward the Confessor died childless in 1066 the Saxon Witan elected Ethelred′s great grandson Edgar Atheling by his first wife Elfleda to be the next king. However Harold II, brother of Edward′s wife Edith, had other ideas as did William the Conquerer whose grandfather′s sister Emma was second wife to Ethelred and also wife to Canute and he alleged Edward had promised the throne to him.

The English descent has been simplified to show how it relates to the Norman descent.

						Rollo Rognvaldson of Norway
						m.Poppa de Valois Duchess of Normandy
						Guillaume Longsword
						2nd Duke of Normandy
						m.Adele de Bretagne
						Richard The Fearless 3rd Duke of Normandy
						933-996				|
						m.Gonnor of Denmark		|
						|				|
						|				|
	Emma________++__________________________Duke Richard II			Geoffrey de Eu de Brionne et de Clare
	m.King Ethelred				963-1026			973-1010
	|	m.2) King Canute		m.Judith of Brittany			|
	|		d.1035			|					|
	|		|			|					|
	|  King	Harold I______King Hardicanute	|					|
	|	d.1040		d.1042		|					|
	|					|					|
	|					|					|
King Edward 	Godwin		Richard III______Robert I				Gilbert de Brionne
The Confessor	Earl of		~1000-1027	1000-1035				1000-
1042-1066	Wessex		m.Adela		Herleva de Falaise			m.Gonnora d′Anjou
d.s.p.		|				(mistress)				|
 m.   		|				|					|
  Edith___King Harold II	Robert___+_ Duke William of Normandy	Richard FitzGilbert_____Baldwin FitzGilbert_______Osbern de Cailly
   		d.1066		Count of	The Conquerer		de Clare ~1030		de Clare ~1030		Seingeur de Cailly
				Mortain		1028-1087		m.Rohese Giffard	m.1)Albreda		bb ~1020 Cailly France
						|			|			m.2)Emma		m.Hildeburge de Beaudemont
						|			|			|				|
					Kings William II__Henry I 	|			|				|
									|			|				|
					     		   Avice de Clare	Richard __Adeliza__Matilda	Guillaume___Hugh______Roger
							b.1050 France		William	  	   m.William 		|         Seigneur de Cailly
						m.Robert de Tosney 1064		Robert		   FitzWimund		|		|
						1st Baron Stafford		All d.s.p.		|		|		|
							|					Inherited Dolton	|		Osberne II
							|					In Devon		|		|
							|								|		?
							|								|		|
						Nicholas I Stafford							|		Osberne III
							|								|		m.Hildeburg
							|								|		de Preaux
							|								|			|
						Barons Stafford						Early English Tree


						Roger de Toeni/Tosny Lord of Conches______________________________Robert de Toeni/Tosny Lord Belvoir
						b.~1000 -31.05.1039							1009-1088
						m.3)Godeheut de Borrell							m.Adela Osule
						Standard Bearers of Normandy							|
						|										|
						|										|
Elbert__Eliant____Ralph_________Gazon_____Adelise/Alice___________ Robert_______________Nigel				Robert de Tosny Lord Belvoir
b.1025	 d.1027	  b.1029	b.1033		b.1035		   b.1039		b.1040				1038-1088
d.1039	d.1039	  Seingeur	d.1034	 m.William FitzOsborn  	   d.~1110		de Stafford				|
		de Conches		Countess of Hereford	m.Avice de Clare        then Gresley	Berengar____Albreda___Adelisa_____Agnes
			|			|		1st Baron Stafford       Derbyshire	William      m.Robert	m.Roger    m.1)Ralph
								Standard Bearer				Geoffrey      de Insula	  Bigod   de Beaufour
								To William 1066				all d.s.p.	d.s.p	   |     m.2)Hubert de
								|							           |	     	Ryes
								|								   |		|
								|								   |
								Nicholas I Stafford					++____	Cecilia
								|							m.William d′Aubigny Brito
								|									|
								Barons Stafford						Aubigny family to 1247
															Robert de Ros
															m.Isabel d′Aubigny
															Ros family to 1474
															Eleanor de Ros
															m.Sir Robert Manners
															Lords Belvoir

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©Lesley Haigh 2014

The Norman Callaway Tree
Last updated October 2014
Web Page by Les Haigh. Email: (les.haigh at

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